Although both Oxford and Cambridge have stunning architecture and rivers running through the city centres, they are pretty different cities. That depends on your perspective. Oxford. Conversely, Oxford does not require applicants to complete any extra forms, which saves you the additional hassle! The University of Cambridge is ranked fifth in the world by QS World University Rankings whereas the University of Oxford has bagged the sixth position. In the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017, Oxford was ranked sixth in the world for its faculty to student ratio. Here are some … If you are applying from outside the EU, for Graduate Medicine, or for an Organ Scholarship, you will also need to complete the Cambridge Online Preliminary Application (COPA). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There are lots of numbers swirling around, like the acceptance rate and the number of students who accept the offer, and all that gets reported widely in the media. Affordability . The discrepancies between the two rankings can be accounted for by their different methodologies. The two teams converged on Henley on Thames, and have been fighting it out ever since to determine which is better – Oxford or Cambridge. Charles Darwin and Sir Isaac Newton hail from Cambridge. This should be the principal factor to consider when choosing between Oxford and Cambridge. Having been fortunate enough to visit both cities (on a school trip on scholarship a few years ago), I instantly fell in love with them. It may be best exemplified in the boat race which is a contest between Oxford and Cambridge rowing crews that takes place close to Easter each year on the River Thames. Rivalry between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge is a phenomenon going back many centuries. Such challenging and delightful academic discussions are what distinguishes Oxbridge from other universities. However, there is a common perception that Cambridge is slightly better for sciences, while Oxford is marginally stronger for social sciences and humanities - but both Universities insist there is no significant difference. Nonetheless, both are considered convenient locations. In terms of teaching, both Oxford and Cambridge follow a traditional system of lectures and small-group personalised teaching sessions with professors. Both Oxford and Cambridge are exceptionally beautiful. Having been presented with the facts, you now have more than enough information to decide! Furthermore, listing these criteria here is not merely to judge whether they are ‘reliable’, but rather, to help you discover what matters most to you. These hour-long sessions with only 2-3 students take place about four times per week and require extensive preparatory work such as writing an essay, doing pre-reading or responding to questions which will be discussed at length during the sessions. In case you cannot get into the college of your choice, but they still think you are a worthy applicant, they may offer you a spot at another college. Notable Oxford thinkers and scientists include Stephen Hawking, Tim Berners-Lee, and Richard Dawkins. Both are six-year courses with three pre-clinical years and three clinical years, and the content you learn will be quite similar. The Cambridge University has got some of the world’s most iconic names in its alumni list. River Cam, Cambridge . If you were to observe the fine contrasting elements closely, the first thing you would notice would be that Oxford has a little more of the ‘big city’ vibes, while Cambridge has a more idyllic, laid-back and cosy feel. Despite my personal biasedness, I have done quite extensive research on this topic and would like to compile all the information in one place for those of you facing a similar quandary. I have, however, been reliably informed that bigger isn't alway better. For instance, if one of the factors matters more to you (such as Teaching), you can compare the universities’ scores for that particular area. These names include John Milton, Charles Darwin, Stephen Hawking etc. Students seeking admission in Cambridge University also need to complete additional forms like SAQ (Supplementary Application Questionnaire), COPA (Cambridge Online Preliminary Application) for students outside EU etc. Similarly, for Electronics, Public sector/NGOs, and Healthcare, Cambridge is better . Thats why Id cross Cambridge off. Moreover, Oxford interviews are usually conducted at two or more colleges, while Cambridge generally interviews each applicant at a single college. Which is better really depends on perspective! Definitely the highest calorie thing to do in Cambridge is to drop into … Smaller city. They are relatively small and compact places to live, easily navigable on foot or (more popularly) by cycling. In terms of property prices Oxford, once again, is the big hitter. Next Battle. Cyclists are in charge in Cambridge. For Medicine, Oxford and Cambridge are generally quite similar. Passionate about living life to the fullest, gaining knowledge and experience, as well as travel and adventure Heavily research-focused and academically rigorous, the course places great emphasis on students developing a strong scientific understanding. In both schools, the commitment to quality teaching means that they both have a faculty to student ratio of about 1:11, which ensures each student is given sufficient guidance and academic support throughout their studies. 50%. A few of the subjects available only here and not in Oxford are veterinary science and architecture. And Cambridge has King's College Chapel, which is probably one of … Ultimately, no one can answer this question for you; you have to make the decision on your own. With a grand total of only 24 weeks of official school in a year, you would only spend about half a year in school, with extremely long holidays, during which you would have the freedom to travel, work and do internships. Yet, I have since realised that the holidays will not be completely study-free, especially given that there will be informal exams called ‘collections’ prior to the start of every term, meaning that the last few weeks of holidays will likely be spent on revision. However, surprisingly, Oxford’s international fees for Medicine are significantly lower than Cambridge’s, especially in the pre-clinical years, which is one of the main reasons I eventually decided on Oxford. The University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford has been placed on 75. So, in a way, Oxford was the origin of Cambridge! Located in Cambridge, UK; 50 miles north of London, in the center of Cambridge city. This time difference in travelling makes Cambridge more convenient for travel as compared to Oxford. Both schools require admissions tests for most subjects. Cambridge is thought … Oxford Is Bigger and Livelier; Cambridge Is Smaller and Quieter Have you ever wondered why Oxford was founded before Cambridge? along with their application. Cambridge is not really on the way to anywhere (and weak in hotels), making it better as a side-trip from London than as a stopover. For Medicine, the main differentiating factor between the two schools is that Cambridge does dissection (which means you get to cut up a cadaver), while Oxford does prosection (which means the anatomical structures are expertly cut and prepared by experienced anatomists for students to study). The only difference is that Oxford calls the small-group sessions ‘tutorials’ while Cambridge calls them ‘supervisions’. Your email address will not be published. Now, you may be wondering: do rankings really matter? If you have trouble following the Pearson and Oxford books for chemistry, use Cambridge as a last resort. Your primary consideration should therefore be which environment appeals to you more (though I admit that not all international students may have the chance to visit before applying). Although both the Universities are close to London but Cambridge is just half an hour away from there by train whereas it takes a full hour to reach Oxford. Cambridge also has a ‘pool’ system, but you might have to be called back for re-interviews after a few weeks, which is far more stressful. Oxford has in place a specific in-depth curriculum from the word go while Cambridge has built up a wider curriculum from which students can pick modules and specialize. I will begin each section with a general comparison between the two universities, before moving on to a more specific comparison between the two medical schools. Oxford vs Cambridge – Which City is Better? Both are convenient to London (with an hour’s train ride). Cambridge is a … While rankings are not 100% objective and reliable, I believe we all still look at them when applying to university, be it for the prestige or for comparison between universities. For the THE rankings, performance indicators are grouped into five areas: Finer metrics are also involved in calculating the score for each category. If that’s the only thing you base your application on, that’s okay! With their majoring and minoring system, US universities allow students to choose a major subject and minor subjects that don’t have to be related to their majors at all, although some universities have some restrictions. You get relatively more subject options in Cambridge than you would get in Oxford. The University of Cambridge has secured the first position in the world by employers and second position by academics. library: University has over 100 libraries. Previous Battle. Let’s compare the two cities and see how they measure up in other ways. Perhaps one of the most unconventional aspects of an Oxbridge education is the sharp, short and intensive terms, which only last eight weeks each (unlike other universities with 10-14 weeks in teach term). Bodleian Libraries include university’s main library and 30 other libraries across Oxford having over 12 million printed books and 80,000 e … The University of Oxford is a collegiate research university located in Oxford, England. Your email address will not be published. Yet, for Oxford, the advantage is that there will be far less competition once you make it to the interview stage. It uses analogies frequently to explain concepts. Tolkien, and Oscar Wilde studied at Oxford. Oxbridge fees for Home and EU students are relatively similar, but the disparity becomes more pronounced in international fees, of which Oxford’s fees are slightly higher in general. Oxford tends to be known as a bit larger and livelier than Cambridge. The standard of maths you will be exposed to at Oxford and Cambridge is very similar, so if you can’t decide, you can always explore the cities, and base it on the location and atmosphere. Oxford and Cambridge quirks The rivalry between both of these universities is not new rather Cambridge vs. Oxford is a hot topic since ages. Considering the performance of both, Cambridge and Oxford University, it can be seen that the former has scored better in sports which makes it better than its counterpart when it comes to extra- curricular activities for the students. It is very hard to decide a clear winner when these two universities are considered as Cambridge is better than Oxford in some aspects and Oxford is better than Cambridge in others. To me, it seems that the Oxford system is better able to ensure fairness and a more equal chance for all applicants, since you are judged and ranked by a few different groups of professors and compared against two or more different groups of students. Both are equally renowned for science and humanities subjects. You will find several articles on the internet regarding Cambridge vs. Oxford discussing the similarities and differences between both the universities. The main difference presents itself in the interviews: Oxford interviews a far smaller proportion of applicants (about 20-40%) compared to Cambridge which interviews about 80% of applicants. Similarly, for Consumer goods, Energy, manufacturing and social impact sector, Oxford is better than Cambridge. In the latest Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2021, Oxford (ranked 1st) has defended its top spot for the fifth consecutive year, while Cambridge has unfortunately fallen from 3rd to 6th place. Oxford is the oldest university while Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world. For Medicine, for instance, Oxford is ranked 1st while Cambridge is ranked 5th. By bus, the time from Heathrow Airport to Oxford is slightly less than an hour and a half, while it takes slightly longer to get to Cambridge (the time by train is shorter). Reputation may be everything when it comes to LLMs, but forcing someone to study what they do not want to just because of reputation would be pointless in that case, its better to do something else with the sizeable amount of pounds youll spend on your LLM. Once again, Oxford and Cambridge applications and admissions are alike in many ways. Cambridge - quite simplistic. Don’t know about Cambridge vs. Oxford pointers but we can provide you with top 7 reasons why Cambridge is better than Oxford:-. On the other hand, students applying for Oxford need not complete any extra forms or tests. This ensures that only the best of best students are getting admitted in here. If we were to choose one, however, we would choose Cambridge as the river is more central and there is so much more to see as you punt, including the gorgeous Bridge of Sighs designed by Henry Hutchinson. I'd also go with Cambridge. Scenario 5: You aspire to have a career in Internet/E-commerce sector; Cambridge (15.3%) sends the majority of its MBA graduates to the internet/e-commerce industry. Oxford and Cambridge are the top two universities in England, so not surprisingly there is a sense of rivalry. By comparison, Cambridge was only ninth. It attracts less tourists than Oxford which is on the way to Stratford upon Avon or the Cotswolds, whereas Cambridge isn't really on the way to anywhere. For Science subjects, Cambridge has a Natural Sciences course that allows you to take a wide range of subjects in the beginning, before specialising in later years, while Oxford only offers specialised courses in Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Luckily for cash-strapped residents of Cambridge, the city is considerably cheaper to live in compared to Oxford. Faridabad (NCR Delhi) - 121003, Copyright © 2019, SOP EDITS. Therefore, it is recommended to check the prospectus for your course on each university’s official website to see which suits you more before deciding. Oxford - great for chemistry. Before applying to university, I had never heard of this arbitrary rule that you can only apply to either Oxford or Cambridge, and not both. This question has always been on minds of the students. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Oxford is livelier, busier and more clogged by traffic. Cambridge University was founded in 1209 as an ‘offshoot’ of Oxford University, in the sense that its founders were Oxford scholars escaping the ‘Town and Gown’ riots (conflicts between students and townspeople). votes (21) facebook (4) twitter (2) pinterest. Required fields are marked *. Which School Is Better: Oxford or Cambridge? The Cambridge University has got some of the world’s most iconic names in its … Architecture and Veterinary Medicine are only offered by Cambridge, while Art and Design is only offered by Oxford. The castle-like architecture, towering spires and colossal domes made me feel as though I had entered a magical world reminiscent of Harry Potter—a childhood dream come true. I would say this is a good book, and does break down ideas really well. There’s a long list of reasons as to why study at Oxford University or Cambridge University which again makes it difficult to settle on any of them. Don’t forget to visit each university’s website for your specific course for further comparison! At Cambridge, you may walk out of your interviews feeling fairly confident, only to receive a rejection letter a few weeks later, while this is less likely to be the case at Oxford. The main difference is that Oxford’s medical school (about 150 students) has approximately half the number of students as Cambridge’s (close to 300 students). The same happens with Oxfords Mjur/BCL. Numerous subjects are also offered by both schools, but sometimes under slightly different names, and the curriculum may not necessarily be equivalent. On the other hand, in the QS World University Rankings 2021, Oxford is in 5th place, while Cambridge is in 7th place. For instance, the highly acclaimed PPE (Politics, Philosophy and Economics) course is unique to Oxford. No one’s saying that Oxford is a bad place to cycle around, …