Let’s open our world: Exploring cultural diversity with The DNA Journey, The most underrated destinations across the USA, Raising a glass to Portugal’s best wine regions, an independent survey of 7,292 people across 18 countries, Let’s open our world: an interview with our DNA Journey grand prizewinner, Embracing diversity: momondo partners up with CISV, REVEALED: Our DNA Journey American prizewinner, 10 eco travel trends to look out for in 2020. I don’t think it’s fair that just because you’re born in a certain country but you have the skills that you have, that you can’t participate in something. Traveling is about exposing yourself to something else, something different. momondo was founded on the belief that everybody should be able to travel the world, to meet other people, and experience other cultures and religions. Today, our world seems more divided than ever. Hear Pichaya's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. Hear Jane's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. Two people — strangers from different countries and cultures — will win a three-day trip to Berlin with flight and hotel to get connecting tattoos designed and inked by tattooist Mo Ganji. Travelling is about exposing yourself to something else, something different. “, “I want to change the world. Some events in my life got me thinking about how short our time here is, and how whatever we choose to do has a deep effect on everyone else. We have to move on. Traveling and meeting people opens your eyes and your heart. Traveling is about crossing borders, including the ones you have put up for yourself. Just click on one of the share buttons below. Traveling and connecting with people mean very much the same thing for me. She said, “Be strong, I have gone through this, you’ll be fine.” Now I do the same thing for others — I help refugees trying to start a new life here in Uganda. I believe all humans are different and all humans are the same. As a person with low vision, the idea that our bodies can bring together both art and humanity is for me a symbol of hope. I love how music can give you a feeling of being connected to someone even if you don't know them at all. This is my chance to pay back her kindness. We are all humans. I love the idea of a lot of different people having the same ''mark'' on them, and me being part of the same tattoo with someone who may be from a country on the other side of the world. I was raised in two cultures. This interview was conducted as part of momondo’s ongoing purpose movement, encouraging diversity, travel and a more open world. Pages Businesses Travel & Transportation Travel Company momondo Videos The World … Vi blev grundlagt i 2006 og har kontor i København, Danmark. Hear Franziska's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. Now, living in a city, I try to spread my love for her and her creatures in every way possible. The World Piece is part of Let’s Open Our World: a bigger mission to give courage and encourage each of us to stay curious and be open-minded so we can all enjoy a better, more diversified world. Even through music, connecting people and establishing new lines of communication is key for the advancement of the human species. I want to fight injustice and misunderstandings — it’s the only way to prevent people from suffering and to have any nature and culture left for our children. I try to take the best of both worlds. Today, our world seems more divided than ever. https://www.momondo.com/discover/the-dna-journey-travel-competition “, “We must cooperate to bring our world together. We are all humans and we are all different, that's the beauty of it. Country borders are man made. Have courage to do something for the first time. If things do go as bad as it looks like, climate change-wise, and people are completely oblivious to it, I think art is the only thing that could just knock some sense into people and how they treat everyone around them and how they treat the environment. Let's all learn to speak the same language - The Language of Love❤️“, “More and more countries are closing their borders, not letting in people who are not "like them" but are still human beings with dignity and value. Let friends and family see the beauty and friendliness of the world through your eyes. . You feel a little bit of their life, and that’s priceless. Now, I wear the scar as a reminder of a tough time in my life, but also as a reminder of strength. Let's go. I have "Gens una sumus" (“We are one people”) engraved on the back of my watch. Află cine va pleca într-o călătorie de €15000 în jurul lumii Hate for people that are different from the once hating, going both ways. They may look different, dress different and act different but in the end you're at the same party, smiling at each other, dancing together and enjoying yourself while listening to the same music. Hear Gregory's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. You have to forgive because if you don’t forgive, you’ll keep the anger, it’ll eat you. I realized this great reality of love in the last summer in the vipassana meditation retrite and have taken small steps towards a less egocentric life. Temps de lecture : 1 ; ds: when we experience something. again. Living in a foreign country, I know very well how crucial it is that we always keep an open heart towards every human being. My reason is because I'm about to go on an epic sailing adventure, the sailing community is very connected and if that can grow worldwide, how amazing would that be!“, “I believe that the entire world is ours to share. I believe with all of my heart, because it is my story, that fundamental transformation is possible for anyone who chooses to change. Open up your mind to the world out there. Children are our future, but studies show that younger generations are losing trust towards other people. > Let’s open our world: Explorează multiculturalitatea alături de campania The DNA Journey. My early life was spent isolated, unable to interact with people, afraid of people but the love of others-strangers brought me back, they came together for me to heal and do better. Growing surrounded by enormous amounts of nature and woods, I always had pure love for Mother Earth. Only by connecting through love, on a worldwide scale, can we actually pull together and change the world. I love human beings; the individuality of every single person, the mentality and culture of every individual, and the bigger picture that you start to you see when you start talking to someone and listen carefully. People need people, despite what anyone thinks. Thanks for participating! We’re all just human beings. Together we can learn from each other. Which country would help open your mind to the world, and why? Learn more about Mo, his tattoo designs and what The World Piece means to him. Traveling is discovering this wire and stretching it to get closer. I think even though we live in an open world, there are still some gaps between people that prevent them from blending into a new country or environment completely. But then after I got traveling I really saw the world. Those with the tattoos can spread this message — non-verbally. Hear Ruta's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. For almost a decade momondo has worked for a more open world; a better world. We can make history with our skin. It has happened. I wanted to do something, but I couldn’t. momondo was founded on the belief that everybody should be able to travel the world because traveling unites us. We love the way you travel – join us and help encourage others to help open up the world ... Let’s open our world: Exploring cultural diversity with The DNA Journey . I’m ready to show the rest of the world the beauty of binding the diversity of people with the power of art and travel! If you would like to join us on our mission to open the world by creating state of the art travel tech and inspiration that’s free and available to everyone, check out our job openings below. You get a little piece of their culture, of the way that they see the world, which is so different from what you believe or see. When we travel, we immerse ourselves in different cultures and customs. It is there. I meet so many people who live far from me but also play or listen to the same music. In a powerful display of solidarity, people from around the globe meet to create The World Piece: a living manifestation of the bonds that unite us across cultures and borders. To read more about our purpose, visit momondo.com/letsopenourworld Hear Melinda's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. But we’re still missing two important stories. Hear Aida's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. Well, I’m not a DNA-expert nor scientist (even though I did want to become one when I was younger), but the company who provided my results is called Ancestry DNA. It’s time to take action. I feel so disconnected and scared for my future and the future of this planet.I want to be apart of something..anything to help us as a human race to be better. How it actually works? In doing so, they state in more than words that if we dare to connect, the world can’t fall apart. I believe that every person we meet brings something that makes us a little more complete, that builds who we are — and if these are the bricks that make up each human being, then we are all responsible for what is happening in the world. open your world & take a home dna test momondo was founded on the belief that everybody should be able to travel the world, to meet other people, and experience other cultures and religions. Your story is now part of The World Piece. These children from around the world came together and discovered they are more alike than they ever imagined. She's told me about the cold and the shortage of food, but the spirit...People singing national songs while tanks were coming their way. Hear Ana's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece, There’s a lot of evil in the world, it’s not easy to live in. So welcome everybody. I hope that everyone gets better at listening and learning. momondo – help us open the world with content sharing. For more on the couples’ travels around the world, follow Samuel and Hildegunn on Instagram. I am a Colombian in Spain — the years will pass and it will continue to be like that. As a naturally open and curious person with a strong sense of justice, I believe all people should have the same opportunities, no matter where they come from. I don't see differences. Instead of exacerbate our differences and live in a bubble.“, “The world is a better place, when we come together, are together and work together. I don’t think anything could change people except for heart and art. A photo posted by momondo (@momondo) on Apr 24, 2016 at 7:51am PDT. The The The world world world will. The Bosnians are passionate, proud people. You never know – you might be going on your very own DNA journey… In April 2016, momondo invited 67 people to take a journey based on their DNA. That's why I would love to add something to that scar that is already so essential for me. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope." So we should embrace that really. The study shows that half of us believe people are less tolerant toward other cultures than five years ago. Many were killed, others lived to tell about the strength of the community spirit. She didn’t speak English, and I never understood a word she said, but I often think of her. Home Articles posted by momondo - Let's Open Our World. I believe in unity and good in people — the state of this world stresses me out a lot of times but then I meet an amazing individual who makes me believe in humans again. It turns out that they have much more in common with other … source. Hear Marta's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. Discover our latest initiatives below. Travel opens our minds: when we experience something different, we begin to see things differently. will will open open again. But when I got there I saw that there was nothing to be scared of. Skin color, religion, sexuality, nationality, etc., these are all just labels that makes us think that we are different from each other, when in reality, we are more alike than most people realise. But it starts with me. The world's a village and in a village you must know your neigbour to avoid hostile behavior and alienation. I believe that most of the problems & misunderstandings in the world come from either a lack of understanding of each other or the refusal to understand/accept each other. I had to get off the train in a tiny town and got a room at a hostel, but no bank would accept my foreign card so I could buy medicine. For years we have put our energy into making travel easier, because we know that travelling makes us more trusting and tolerant towards other people, religions and nationalities. Even though we’re from different countries, we’re all human and we’re not different — we understand each other. And remember: you are just as different to others as they are to you. That's how we were made to live. I have been living abroad for almost half of my life, away from family and constantly having to make new friends. Carlos. First, you get the Let’s open our world DNA-Kit which consists of a tube, instructions and an envelope with postage paid already. I believe that small acts are what count in the day to day, like making people reflect by asking about the meaning of a tattoo. Going through a complicated back surgery at a very young age made me think for a while that I wouldn't be able to do the things I felt passionate about. In 2019, we commissioned our second global study to explore the value of traveling. I want to encourage unity, solidarity, generosity and tolerance between people. Let's open our world! If I can be part of this project and help in any way I'm in.“, “In this world where instead of understand that we are all the same we are fighting against each other, with no reason. Yes, I’d love to dance. So I’m someone who really thinks that the world has to be together, with no racism or wars. We should learn and love. Not only the staff at your hotel. If you give people the opportunity to explore and step outside their comfort zone, that is the start of a beautiful story. I’d rather focus on what unifies than what breaks us apart as the human race. In the film Dear mom and dad, we document what happens when 48 children from 12 different countries meet at a CISV camp funded by Momondo and run by CISV. We need to highlight a growing problem in this world: that we don’t talk, we don’t listen to each other’s stories. We can celebrate the achievements and be there for the disappointments. And remember: you are just as different to others as they are to you. We are all interconnected, our stories and our lives interwoven. Momondo: “Let’s Open Our World” Momondo is a Danish search engine for flights, hotels and car rentals. But today, our world seems more divided than ever. The World Piece is the next level, connecting me through tattoos not only to friends and family but to strangers — all of humankind in a way. A photo posted by momondo (@momondo) on May 11, 2016 at 11:31pm PDT. We’d like to invite you to travel – and live – with these ways in mind, and to share your journeys with us and the world on Instagram and Facebook, using the hashtag #LetsOpenOurWorld. We tend to think that there are more things dividing us than uniting us. Par Anna L. le 06/06/2016. We have so many forces out there that are trying to tear us apart. Our aim is to break down boundaries between people across the globe. My grandparents and mother were there. I believe that one line - combining us all - is somewhat of a great metaphor for life itself. Decisions are made with the head. Hear Janetta's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. Hear Eliana's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. Pages Businesses Travel & Transportation Travel Company momondo Videos Let's Open Our World … When I saw that the idea behind these tattoos was to bring people together from all around the world and spread more peace, I knew that was for me...my chance to express my feelings about peace. We need to be able to approach all the people when trying to solve the big problems of the world together, without being influenced by politics or religion. Hear Ashley Jane's thoughts right after the filming of The World Piece. ... we end up continuing to justify the existing divisions in our world. Travel opens our minds: when we experience something different, we begin to see things differently.