Travel restrictions between Scotland and the rest of the Common Travel area (Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) will be kept under review. Ireland is going back into lockdown after the Taoiseach confirmed the country is to move to Level 5 of the Living With COVID plan for six weeks. It is encouraged to walk or cycle where possible. Masks should be worn in crowded outdoor spaces. Pressure from Cabinet ministers has been mounting on Taoiseach Michéal Martin to lift more restrictions.. Otherwise, everyone else should work from home. Pic: Getty Images. Here at … Boris Johnson has revealed which COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted on 17 May in England. Training by GAA senior county teams and some high-performing athletes are currently allowed. Current restrictions are set out in the Health Act 1947 (Section 31A - Temporary Restrictions) (Covid-19) Regulations 2021, as amended, which apply until 10 May 2021. Tradespeople … Speaking during a press conference on Tuesday, the Tánaiste insisted that society will begin to open up over the next month or so, so long as the vaccination programme keeps up its current pace. is a registered trading name of Community Creations Ltd. Legal Information © 2021 Community Creations Ltd. All Rights Reserved. COVID-19 Travel Advice. Over the coming months, Ireland will need to learn to live alongside COVID-19. Pubs are open with strict protective measures in place. If you travel to Ireland from a designated State, you must enter a period of mandatory quarantine. Outdoor seating is limited to a max of 15 people. ... Once you have arrived in Ireland you must comply with the health restrictions in place in Ireland. Wide-ranging Covid-related restrictions are in place in Ireland, and were revised on 30 March. On 31 August, the Government of Ireland announced the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions in County Kildare with immediate effect. It is currently not advised to do any unnecessary travel outside of Ireland. Update: April 29th 2021. site and will not be responded to individually. In these situations you are allowed to choose one other household that you can mix with. Find out more about travelling during COVID-19. Contact your local library to find out what services are available. Subject to the public health situation at the time, everyone will be permitted to have visitors from one other household inside their home from June 7th. Due to the restrictions on gatherings inside the home, having a house party is not allowed. Shops, shopping centres, supermarkets, and services like hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons are all open. No matches or events can take place either indoors or outdoors. The Government has announces phased easing of public health restrictions from the 12th of April, 2021. In certain circumstances, the Government will place additional restrictions on certain areas, depending on the case levels in those areas. Coronavirus Northern Ireland lockdown: Covid-19 restrictions Executive set to lift after review Members of the Executive are expected to give the go-ahead for easements announced last week The capacity is limited to 50%, and everyone is asked to avoid peak hours to provide space for essential workers or those making essential journeys. The latest information on how Ireland is responding to cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Construction workers and outdoor workers (for example, those who carry out window cleaning, maintenance work, etc.) Organised events taking place outside with an event organiser or manager, such as outdoor arts events or training events, can have up to 15 people attending. Ministers have released dates for the easing of further coronavirus restrictions in Northern Ireland. 'Wet pubs' (pubs that only serve alcohol but not food) are currently closed. retail, personal services, hospitality, outdoor training etc.) Up to six people can currently attend a wedding ceremony and reception. There are changes to indoor and outdoor events in Level 3. It is encouraged to avoid public transport and drive, walk or cycle where possible. COVID-19 posters and resources. Alternatively, you are permitted to have six visitors from separate households in your garden. No visitors are allowed to your home or garden, except for anyone in your support bubble. Level restrictions and latest statistics - from Religious services must move online. From May 10th, organised outdoor gatherings with a maximum attendance of 15 people will be permitted. Level 5 is the most restrictive level for COVID-19 measures. Once you have picked a certain household you are only allowed to visit them. This means that we will all need to continue to change the things we do in our daily lives in order to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. Registered Charity: CHY16212. Make sure to continue practising social distancing and other protective measures even if you're outdoors. Date published: ... “This is a landmark day for Northern Ireland as we step firmly and with confidence on our pathway to recovery. Intercounty travel for non-essential reasons can return. These lesser restrictions will be in place from the 18th of December until the 6th of January 2021. It is recommended you wear a face covering if you are in a crowded area outdoors. From June 7th, the numbers of guests attending wedding celebrations/receptions can increase to 25. ... Executive agrees relaxations to Covid restrictions. Childcare facilities like creches, childminding and pre-schools are open with protective measures in place. The current measures allow people to train and both play in and attend matches. From May 10th, a maximum of three households or six people from any number of households are allowed in your garden. Image: Symptoms of COVID-19 and how to protect yourself, Symptoms of COVID-19 and how to protect yourself, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: Advice for businesses, Department of Foreign Affairs: Travel advice, Department of Education: Back to school, Health advice for parents and children, Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth: Advice for pre-school and creches reopening. It … From June 7th, they can reopen for individual training only. Only essential services are open at this time, such as local shops, supermarkets, and pharmacies. The rules came into force on 26 December, in … From April 12, all school students will be returning to school after the Easter holidays. It is recommended you wear a face covering if you are in a crowded area outdoors. New public health measures come into place this month. From May 10th, 50 guests will be permitted at a wedding service (civil or religious). The coronavirus pandemic has changed life in Ireland massively through lockdown restrictions, working from home and social distancing measures. It is not possible to have visitors from outside your home at this time. This means if you had a holiday within Ireland booked, it is no longer possible to take it. Ministers have released dates for the easing of further coronavirus restrictions in Northern Ireland. You will also need to reduce your contacts and avoid travelling outside your county. Preparation for the safe reopening of cinemas and theatres in June is being considered, with the decision subject to public health advice. This means you can have all of the members of three different households in your garden. Over the Christmas period certain exemptions will be put in place to allow people to spend more time together. Restaurants and pubs serving food are currently open for take-away and delivery only. These events will have to follow the guidelines for organised indoor gatherings. Key Information for Travelers to Ireland. There are some limits on travel within Ireland at this time. From May 10th, up to 50 mourners will be allowed to attend a funeral. You cannot currently stay in a hotel for social or tourist purposes. A maximum of ten people can visit your home or garden, from up to three other households, Outside of your home, you can meet up to 50 people (unless specific guidance recommends a lower or higher number), Up to 100 people are permitted at organised indoor gatherings, Up to 200 people can attend organised indoor events in larger venues where strict social distancing measures can be applied (including 2 metre distancing between seats and one-way systems), Up to 200 people can attend organised outdoor gatherings, Up to 500 people can attend if the outdoor venue normally has capacity for 5,000 people, so long as there are strict protective measures in place, Up to 100 people can watch a match inside, Up to 200 people can watch a match outside, Up to 500 people can watch a match outside in stadiums where there is normally capacity for 5,000 people, You can have a maximum of six visitors in your home or garden from one other household only, Outside of your home, you can meet a maximum of six other people in indoor settings, Outside of your home or garden, you can meet up to 15 people from up to three other households, Up to 50 people are permitted at organised indoor gatherings, People can attend in groups of up to 6 people, and there will need to be arrangements in place to avoid people from different groups mingling, Up to 100 people can attend organised indoor events in larger venues where strict social distancing measures can be applied (including 2 metre distancing between seats and one-way systems), Up to 100 people can attend organised outdoor gatherings, Up to 200 people can attend if the outdoor venue normally has capacity for 5,000 people, so long as there are strict protective measures in place, Outdoor training can take place in pods of up to 15 people, Indoor training, exercise and dance classes can take place in pods of up to six people, Up to 100 people can watch a match outside, Up to 200 people can watch a match in stadiums where there is normally capacity for 5,000 people, If you have a child but do not live with the child's other parent, you are allowed to visit their parent's house to help manage co-parenting, If you live alone but experience mental health difficulties you can choose one other household, such as your parent's home, to visit, Outdoor training can only take place for non-contact sports in pods of up to 15, Indoors, individual training can take place only, which means no dance or exercise classes, Fully vaccinated people can meet indoors with other fully vaccinated people as long as there are no more than 3 households present, Fully vaccinated people can meet indoors with unvaccinated people from a single household, provided nobody is at risk of severe illness and no more than 3 households are present, Travelling to and from work, where work involves providing an essential service such as, To attend medical appointments and collect medicines and other health products, For vital family reasons, such as providing care to children, elderly or vulnerable people, and in particular for those who live alone, as part of an extended household but excluding social family visits, For farming purposes, ie. Up to 25 people can currently attend a wedding ceremony and reception. The current regulations will be reviewed on 10 June 2021. Training can take place as normal both indoors and outdoors, with protective measures in place. A person arriving to Ireland without a negative PCR test faces a fine of €2,500 or six months in jail. Up to 50 people can currently attend a wedding ceremony and reception. These lesser restrictions will only come into place if COVID-19 levels in the country do not begin to rise again. At Level 2, most services can stay open, but we will need to limit the amount of people we come into close contact with. These measures are subject to change by Government, depending on the level of cases in the country. You can only have a maximum of six people from up to three other households in your home right now. The capacity is limited to 25%. Cultural centres like museums and galleries are also open. Current levels of movement are too high and will lead to Covid-19 restrictions remaining in place for months to come, a member of the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) has warned. As of May 10, 976,582 people have received their first dose of the vaccine, and 493,553 second doses have also been administered in Northern Ireland. No indoor or outdoor group training activities can currently take place. Organised indoor gatherings such as business or training events, events in theatres or other arts events are not currently permitted. Intercounty travel for non-essential reasons can return. COVID-19: Lockdown roadmap dates - what's opening when, and what's allowed with how many people? You cannot have visitors to your home. At Level 4, the Government is prioritising keeping schools and childcare facilities open. Schools are open, but there will need to be protective measures in place. It is currently not advised to do any unnecessary travel outside of Ireland. Libraries will also reopen for lending services only. Libraries will be open for any online services, call and collect and in some locations browse and borrow. Find out more about the rules around face masks in Ireland. No matches or events can currently take place either indoors or outdoors. Work from home unless it’s absolutely necessary to go in person. Seeing a movie at the cinema is considered a controlled indoor event, which is currently not permitted. From June 7th, outdoor services in restaurants and bars can recommence, with groups limited to a maximum of 6 people. It is advised that other religious ceremonies such as Communions and Confirmations should not take place at this time. will be permitted to go to work. In England, you must have a permitted reason to travel abroad and complete the declaration form. Places of worship can remain open for private prayer. You are not allowed to have any visitors to your home outside of your support bubble. These measures are subject to change by Government, depending on the level of cases in the country. Up to 50 people can attend religious services, and there will need to be special measures in place, including social distancing and one-way systems. The Government has created five different levels of response to COVID-19. From May 10th, indoor private home visiting is permitted (without masks or social distancing) in the following cases: Having visitors in your home is currently not allowed if you do not meet the requirements of the vaccine bonus above. Ireland's travel restrictions: ... An Garda Siochana The guests can be seen drinking and dancing in close proximity, defying the current Covid-19 restrictions. Training can take place both indoors and outdoors. Department of Health. Level 1 is activated when there are fewer cases of COVID-19 in the area, with isolated outbreaks and low transmission. Childcare facilities and childminding services are currently closed, except for vulnerable children and children of essential workers. Public transport is in operation but you will need to wear a face covering. In Ireland, it is currently mandatory to wear a face mask in shops and when attending services like the hairdresser, barber, salons, cinema, libraries, theatres, bookies, and other retail services. Outdoor playgrounds and play areas are also still open. You may meet with people from one other household, outdoors, when exercising, making sure to take precautions including social distancing. From May 10th, you can travel between counties in Ireland. It is recommended you wear a face covering. This is to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities. Non-contact sports including tennis, golf and underage training are also currently allowed. Arrivals must book a travel test package. If you’d like to attend a match or another sporting event, the following restrictions are in place: Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools can all remain open, so long as there are protective measures in place. From This could mean the county, city or local area is at a different level to the rest of the country, or that they are at the same level as everywhere else with just a few additional restrictions. Up to six people from a maximum of two households can meet in outdoor settings away from your home or garden while maintaining strict physical distancing. Now, if you have received the second dose of the vaccine more than 2 weeks ago, you can meet with other fully vaccinated people from 1 other household indoors without wearing masks or staying 2 metres apart. Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools will be closed. Up to 6 guests are currently permitted at weddings. Welcome to Ireland's Youth Information Website, Find out more about Christmas restrictions. It is not possible to have visitors outside of your own household during Level 4. Are house parties allowed during COVID-19? There are limits on travel within Ireland at this time. It is currently not advised to do any unnecessary travel outside of Ireland, even if the country you’re planning on travelling to is on the green list. You must wear a face covering when inside a shop. If you want to go to a pub, keep in mind that current restrictions mean you can attend in a group of up to six people from up to three different households. food production and/or care of animals. Hotels are open, but only for existing guests and for those with essential, non-social and non-tourist reasons for travel. This is a prototype - your feedback will help us to improve it. You can travel to England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands - before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries. If you must travel to Ireland, get fully vaccinated before travel. Museums, galleries and other cultural institutions will close during Level 3. View the protocols for international travel for the aviation and maritime sectors. Find out more about Christmas restrictions and how to limit the spread of the virus. Written by SpunOut | View this authors Twitter page and posted in news. From June 7th, outdoor services in restaurants and bars can recommence, with groups limited to a maximum of 6 people. Restrictions for restaurants and pubs are now in place. It is currently possible to go to restaurants and to go to pubs, but there will need to be measures in place. Because of the current situation in Ireland even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants and should avoid all travel to Ireland. There will be additional restrictions in place, including social distancing between tables and a maximum number of six people per table. COVID-19 resources for travellers. If you have received the second dose, you have to wait 2 weeks until you can meet other fully vaccinated people indoors. Places of worship will be open, with a maximum of 50 people allowed at a time. Shops, shopping centres, supermarkets, and services like hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons are all open. Follow current COVID-19 rules where you live: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Level 3, more restrictions are introduced, but the priority is to keep schools and childcare facilities open, and reduce the impact on the workforce. You can only have a maximum of ten people from up to three other households in your home right now. The regulations are available on the Department of Health website: The Health Protection … Covid-19 restrictions are due to ease further from Monday 10 May. All venues will be closed, including libraries, but online services are available. Up to 25 mourners can currently attend a funeral. Due to the restrictions on gatherings inside the home, having a house party with a large number of people is not allowed. Up to 25 mourners can currently attend a funeral.