The Guide provides examples of search procedures, suggested search terms and user guidance. Please note that this website will be undergoing technical maintenance between 28 and 31 August. Be aware of different search tools (e.g. In addition, the Guide provides search strategies and procedures to guide users in making full use of all information sources on alternative methods for animal research. The EURL ECVAM Search Guide has been specifically developed to inform and support untrained database users to find high quality information on relevant alternative strategies and methods to animal experiments in an easy, yet systematic, efficient and effective way. Publications Office of the European Union. Systematic reviews, meta analysis). EURL ECVAM Search guide is a comprehensive guide which describes search strategies and how to adapt your strategy depending on what sources you use. EURL ECVAM is an integral part of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the science and knowledge service of the European Commission and is located at the JRC site in Ispra, Italy. These charges could be higher than the cover price of the publication. The Guide has specifically been developed to support untrained database users in finding high quality information on relevant alternative strategies and methods to animal experiments from the wide range of sources available on the web. The human Cell Line Activation Test (h-CLAT) is a cell-based assay that identifies skin sensitizers by examining changes in the expression of cell surface markers (CD54 and CD86) implicated in dendritic cell activation, the third key event of the skin sensitization AOP. The Animal Welfare Information Centre has tips for searching for alternatives, as well as links to relevant databases. The Guide has specifically been developed to support untrained database users in finding high quality information on relevant alternative strategies and methods to animal experiments from the wide range of sources … Information on the 3Rs is available through different information sources such as websites, journals and databases. A check list is moreover offered (the seven golden steps) to allow for searches in a structured and systematic way and to document them - a fundamental step in preparing a research project in biomedical sciences and toxicology. A number of resources are publicly available to assist scientists with gathering information on alternatives. You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter for all the latest information directly to your inbox and check out our events for opportunities to participate. [Adapted from Searching for Animal Alternatives (Arnold Library LibGuide) and The EURL ECVAM search guide] 3R Suggestions for Animal Reserach Alternatives (Reduction, Refinement, and Replacement) The 3Rs are defined here . THE ECVAM SEARCH GUIDE CHECK LIST for Searching Information on Alternative Methods Annett J. Roi, Barbara Grune The 3Rs search procedure checklist is designed to: † put into practice the principles set out elsewhere in the Search Guide as “The Seven Golden Steps to Successful Searching”, † obtain information of the quality required to both This EURL ECVAM report provides information on the progress being made in the development, validation and regulatory application of non-animal methods, as well as on their use and promotion for research purposes, and in education and training programmes. Head of Systems Toxicology Unit and EURL ECVAM . Consequently, users may experience instabilities and limited functionality. This article is based on the EURL ECVAM Search Guide, which provides a search strategy for 3Rs methods and might be of great help. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy. Mar 2014: Finalised: Completion of the validation study with the issue of the Validation report. Our scientific work supports a whole host of EU policies in a variety of areas from agriculture and food security, to environment and climate change, as well as nuclear safety and security and innovation and growth. Africa Train the Trainer & Animal Ethics Committee workshop (Tunisia) Africa Train the Trainer & Animal Ethics Committee workshop (Tunisia) - view Alternative (non-animal) education and training resources Download file Validation report EURL ECVAM status report on the development, validation and regulatory acceptance of alternative methods and approaches (2015) The EURL ECVAM status report provides an … Encouraged by the success of the first edition in 2012 the Joint Research Centre has re-published an entirely updated second version of the EURL ECVAM Search Guide. March 2014 . EURL ECVAM’s validation process, from submission of a test method to final ECVAM recommendations, was updated in March 2013 as explained on the “EURL ECVAM Validation Process” page. Please click here to provide your feedback. Developed by the JRC's EU Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM), the Search Guide was first published as a handbook in 2012 by the EU Bookshop. search. The EURL ECVAM Search Guide provides search principles and procedures, suggested search terms and user guidance together with an inventory of information resources to support untrained database users in finding information on relevant alternative strategies and methods on the Internet. This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. A Portuguese version was finalised in autumn 2017 together with the Brazialian Authorities within the framework of the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM). The EURL ECVAM Search Guide (SG; ) was specifically developed to inform and support untrained database users in finding high-quality information on relevant alternative methods and strategies from the large amount of available information resources. An entirely updated second edition has been issued in August 2013, which can be downloaded (pdf) or requested in paper copy (for free) from the EU Bookshop. As the European Commission's knowledge and science service, the JRC plays a central role in creating, managing and making sense of collective scientific knowledge for better EU policies. The print on demand version incurs printing and shipping charges even for free publications. Encouraged by the success of the first edition in 2012 the Joint Research Centre has re-published an entirely updated second version of the EURL ECVAM Search Guide. The European Commission's science and knowledge service, EU Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM), International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM). For a better user experience please update your browser or use. AIMBE/NIH Workshop . EURL ECVAM Status Report on the Development, Validation and Regulatory Acceptance of Alternative Methods and Approaches (2016) November 2016 DOI: 10.2787/400140 3R Guide By European Commission (EC)-Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM) I - 21027 ISPRA (VA), ITALY Via E. Fermi, 2749 / TP 126 E-mail: Tel. EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing : FAQs. Preface Re-edition 2013. Categories. ECVAM was established in 1991 (), as a unit of the Environment Institute of the European Commission's (EC's) Joint Research Centre (JRC), at Ispra, Italy, by a Communication from the Commission to the Council and the Parliament , pointing to Article 23 of Directive 86/609/EEC, which required that ‘The Commission and the Member States should encourage research into the … Expert meeting and refinement of in vitro STANDARDS. The EURL ECVAM Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity Consolidated Database is a structured master database that compiles available genotoxicity and carcinogenicity data for Ames positive chemicals originating from different sources. Encouraged by the success of the first edition in 2012 the Joint Research Centre has re-published an entirely updated version of the EURL ECVAM Search Guide in 2013 (The Guide). We would like to hear your views on this material or activity. EURL-ECVAM (EU) The European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL-ECVAM) was established in 2011. : +39-0332-785570 DG Joint Research Centre. Its establishment was necessitated due to an increasing need for new methods and their proposal for validation within the EU. For a more detailed description of how to find relevant articles, read one of the literature search guides (e.g., EURL ECVAM Search Guide). THE EURL ECVAM SEARCH GUIDE. It includes descriptions of relevant resources and thesauri. Analysis of individual methods using the questionnaire . INTRODUCTION EU policies and legislation call for innovative and more efficient ways of safety testing and chemical […] Moreover, the EU coordinates the validation of alternative methods through the scientific centre EURL-ECVAM. The Guide provides examples of search procedures, suggested search terms and user guidance. The ECVAM Search Guide has been specifically developed to inform and support untrained database users to find high quality information on relevant alternative strategies and methods to animal experiments in an easy, yet systematic, efficient and effective way. 6. It includes descriptions of relevant resources and thesauri. Download PDF (1 MB) Abstract. First published in 2012, the EU's Joint Research Centre produced an entirely updated second version of the EURL ECVAM Search Guide in 2013. Alternatives to animal testing and safety assessment of chemicals. Information Sources . The European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL ECVAM) search guide on basic principles for data retrieval procedures provides a useful starting point and search tool for scientists. What are the "Three Rs"? The database has been compiled by ARC Arnot Research and Consulting Inc (Toronto, Canada) for EURL ECVAM (Joint Research Centre, F.3; contract number: CCR.F.C931336.X0) applying quality criteria as outlined in the spreadsheets. Questionnaire to identify potential in vitro STANDARDS EURL ECVAM call for in vitro methods. The EURL ECVAM Search Guide provides resources to assist researchers in locating high quality information on relevant alternative methods for animal experiments. Use wildcards to search for variant endings. Our research topics give a deeper insight into that support of EU policy, while you can also discover the unique laboratories and facilities where our scientists work. We apologise for the inconvenience. What alternative methods have been validated by EURL ECVAM? As a multinational and multicultural research centre, we collaborate with over a thousand partners worldwide. There are approximately 960 entries for 232 unique chemicals. Click on a category to show & hide a list of resources - show all or hide all. By JANUSCH ROI Annett and GRUNE Barbara. By using a harmonised format to capture the information, this database represents a powerful resource for data analysis that can be used to guide a thorough … Institute for Health and Consumer Protection . Search on Google Scholar: “non-invasive” AND “research purpose” / “species” to find out whether a non-invasive method has been developed or implemented. It describes different types of databases and where to start and how to formulate your search. Starting of the EURL ECVAM coordinated validation study on CYP induction in vitro method and establishment of the Validation Management Group (VMG). Institute for Health and Consumer Protection. It contains lists of good resources that were available at the time of the latest version. Or check out our photos and videos for an instant look at the world of science at the European Commission. Activities. Our news gives you an insight into our support of EU policy and highlights the scientific research carried out everyday within the European Commission. EURL ECVAM Search Guide, Go3Rs) and methods of search (e.g. T. The EURL ECVAM Search Guide (the Guide) serves a fundamental requirement, namely that, for legal, ethical and scientific rea-sons, any researcher planning to, or using, animals for experimental or other scientific purposes must be well-informed about the The EURL ECVAM Search Guide is aimed at untrained database users and will be most relevant, for example, where compre-hensive searches for alternatives are required as part of authorisation processesfor animal experiments and where regu-latory requirements mandate the application of the 3Rs. EURL ECVAM Search Guide – Good search practice on animal alternatives: Provides an overview of databases and possible searching strategies, which should enable a targeted and more efficient search for the 3Rs methods. You can read more about our partnerships and collaborations, our scientific networks and look for cooperation opportunities and find the latest job opportunities on offer. The EURL ECVAM Search Guide: Good Search Practice to Animal Alternatives . Target users are scientists, national authorities involved in animal protection and ethical committees verifying that all possible alternatives have been considered before conducting animal experiments. The EURL ECVAM search guide Good search practice on animal alternatives. 43 Module 3.1: Basic and appropriate biology – species specific (theory) [Core] This module provides an introduction to the basic principles of animal behaviour, care, biology and husbandry. What are alternative test methods? The EURL ECVAM Search Guide has been developed to help users find information on alternative strategies and methods to animal-based research. The PDF version is free of charge. The in vitro micronucleus (MNvit) test is a short-term genotoxicity assay for the detection of micronuclei in the cytoplasm of interphase cells.. Micronuclei may originate from acentric chromosome fragments (i.e. The EURL ECVAM Search Guide provides search principles and procedures, suggested search terms and user guidance together with an inventory of information resources to support untrained database users in finding information on relevant alternative strategies and methods on the Internet. Define and describe a representative in vitro method Study under GLP of representative method Transfer to EU - NETVAL laboratories