Spent four days in the hospital. Brady Shearer: You literally cooked it by yourself with broth. It’s like they say everything to say nothing. Would repost the identical photo, maybe a month after it was first posted. Brady Shearer: You don’t even have to find them. With that all being said, we’re talking about the TikTok algorithm today, Alex. It’s the literal same photo. You remember those things? Brady Shearer: I will hear no other opinions, and I have a list of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven reasonns why it’s the number one soup. Probably isn’t going to be on most lists. So okay. This is approximately more than 5.70 lakh years in a yearly account. It’s like 750ml, instead of 398. Maybe you try a question and answer from your pastor, or what have you. Alex Mills: Some dipping action, yeah. Brady Shearer: This comes from Life Church. That’ll do it for this inaugural episode of the Pro Church Tools show. Brady Shearer: Okay, don’t invite Alex and Rebecca over for stew night, okay. Top five. I struggle with soups that don’t have noodles, or meat, or substance. We had a salmon bisque this weekend, all excellent. Alex Mills: Yes. That’s how we all learn. So to exalt younger voices in that church context will be very helpful. Brady Shearer: Another thing that stood out to me in my conversation with Beau, and also shout out to Nicholas Prince, who was the one who had documented most of this data from TikTok. I was seeing the type of content that I didn’t want. TikTok’s doing something similar here, where what you do at the beginning will determine how your account fairs in the long term. You can go in to sit down. Brady Shearer: And so you may have a video that didn’t do so well, and then three months later, it’s getting 10x the original views. And we’re about to learn why. As a photography purist-. Beau is the social media director at Life Church. Together with their kids, they form TheClingyFam, … Who taught you that?”. And you look at your calories, you look at your macros, you’re like, “I’m in a great spot for the rest of the day.”. So let’s show him that, before we can get some actual behavioral data on him. You got carrots. There are so many different podcasts and YouTube videos, and blog posts trying to reverse engineer based on behavioral data, what the algorithm is actually doing. Now Instagram removing the number of likes feature is liberating some people probably. I posted the outtakes, bloopers from that, as another video, went completely viral. Everything manicured to the enth degree when it comes to your brand colors, and logos, and mock ups, and lockups. I ordered it, so good. Brady Shearer: Make the move now. But also, if voyeur a business account, TikTok wants you to pay. Brady Shearer: And then final honorable mention goes to chili, which is not a soup. Alex Mills: Yeah, and they enable you to do that even when you take it out, because they serve you the beef separately. Brady Shearer: Because you’re not a barbarian. Brady Shearer: Close out. Alex Mills: Chili is not soup. You’re rolling the dice. Brady Shearer: They absolutely do. Brady Shearer: He was publishing almost identical content on Instagram and YouTube, and seeing very slow gains, because those platforms are highly saturated. It’s like a 2019 version of, Brady Shearer: I like that. People are going to hear soups in the honorable mentions and be like, “How was that not in the top five?”. Alex Mills: People are going to come in like, “What about broccoli cheddar?”. And they’re like, “This is our large. Alex Mills: It was langistine, which is their native mini lobsters. Red lentils, maybe again, Indian soup, a little Dal, which is an excellent lentil based Indian soup. Life Church told me that the reason they had [inaudible 00:19:15] held off this long to publish videos on TikTok, when we spoke to them, was because they wanted to make sure those first five were as good as they could be. Alex Mills: Even in the honorable mentions, there’s going to be hot takes. Brady Shearer: Because unlike all the other social platforms, you don’t start on TikTok with your circle of friends. Brady Shearer: Did stew make the top five? Brady Shearer: Jambalaya, the best is the rice is swimming in the broth. Brady Shearer: Yeah. The first top five is your list. And they serve it to you as an appetizer. Brady Shearer: If you’re asking a question like, “Are you one of those people that likes pineapple on pizza?” And then the pastor isn’t giving their answer, and the worship team isn’t giving theirs. And not only is it just okay, it’s what this platform requires. Alex Mills: Can we talk about the sizes? Brady Shearer: And then finally, the spice. Brady Shearer: And yet, within a one mile radius from this office-. Alex Mills: [crosstalk 01:01:54] that’s the practical thing that you can start doing right now. Brady Shearer: This is unusually, and that’s why we included it, because it’s troubleshooting, almost. There’s the medium batch test, looking at replays, likes, views, shares, completion rates-. This is the one thing lacking from most soups. You could be Alex Wilson, with a quarter of a million followers. Follow the tips that we’ve laid out here, when it comes to the algorithm, and you’ll be in good shape. Alex Mills: Yeah, it’s got to have some body to it. It was all teenage kids, deep meme culture. Like, “Name a worship song that’s helped you.” Or, “How can we pray for you?” Their response to me when I ask them why in person is, they’re worried their responses will be judged. Now you might be asking, “Why soup?” Well because it’s fall, and fall is amazing for a number of reasons. Here, you’re getting your video test stress test again. And if Life Church can do it, if they can lead the way, with one of the most prolific, and well-known pastors in the world, with Craig Roswell, then I think our churches should be able to do it also. Published more than 600 episodes. Honorable mention to split pea, particularly the Habitant canned version that I have been eating since I was a young kid-. By the time you leave, your congestion has run for the hills because you’re cleaned out. You got potatoes. Brady Shearer: Prolific Instagram Icelandic photographers. And I had no idea what was going on. No, never heard of that? But after that media batch, it’s going to get what they call an integrity rating as well. Alex Mills: This is healthy. Each account on TikTok has an authority ranking. Fourth day, better. That beef is just falling apart because it’s been stewing. Our friend Alex Wilson is the perfect example. Brady Shearer: Sure. Brady Shearer: Another weird thing about TikTok. Alex Mills: I thought that’s where we were going. If you have been posting, using social media, using Instagram let’s say, as a promotion tool, just talking about what’s going on at church. It did fine. Brady Shearer: They don’t have high quality spice. Alex Mills: We’ll talk about soggy cereals on top five cereal week. Brady Shearer: What’s also awesome about them? Brady Shearer: And they already have permission to do it. The gold-standard fix for five-hour insomnia, says Chernyak, is is cognitive behavioral therapy, which is recommended by the American College … Brady Shearer: Sports. Once you tell it what you want to see, it will respond. Basically determines how awesome are your videos? Brady Shearer: When we first launched this podcast six years ago, I think, we launched five episodes one day after another. Now is the time to move. That not being as important because you’re likely going to sacrifice attention long term, and attention is the most valuable commodity. Alex Mills: By the time you’re done, your beef has turned from rare red, to perfectly cooked, tender, not firm. ... by Grayson Gilcrease 5 hours ago According to TikTok, “Blinding Lights,” the second single from “After Hours,” has inspired over 1.5 million video creations on TikTok and spawning the “#BlindingLightsChallenge.” I would have not thought to put lentil soup on top five. They bring you this bowl, if you’re a meat eater, it’s thinly sliced beef, and it’s rare. Brady Shearer: Oh yeah, way better. Brady Shearer: You’re going to miss so much of Nan opportunity to do so. It’s hard to get, and I once tried to make it at home, and put in way too much wine, and it just turned into purple goo. Alex Mills: Vines, [crosstalk 00:34:08] yeah. Brady Shearer: So there was no hip-hop culture that was teaching us to dance. Alex Mills: I am not a seafood lover. This is kind of similar to the way launching a podcast works. Brady Shearer: Limit your account’s login to one cell phone. We’re not going to do any of it.” We also, I grew up in a 98% white farming town. We cater our small group curriculums to different interests, or age groups, or demographics, or what have you. Brady Shearer: Well aside from April/March, where you’ve got March madness, basketball, hockey, baseball starting, Masters-. People are going to be like, “Are you sure?” Like, “This sounds a little too good to be true.” Be like, “Yeah, I mean it’s true.”. It’s physical things in liquid, people. But I definitely … I mean that’s a pervasive thing that goes on in the influencer world. Even though we were going to publish weekly episodes going forward. It was the worst, most offensive thing. So we’ve had seafood soup together in Spain.