Or are we presuming ALL patients are carriers and LMA usage and MAC anesthesia be minimized? General anaesthesia or general anesthesia (see spelling differences) is a medically induced coma with loss of protective reflexes, resulting from the administration of one or more general anaesthetic agents.It is carried out to allow medical procedures that would otherwise be intolerably painful for the patient; or where the nature of the procedure itself precludes the patient being awake. Intravenous (IV) sedation is a deep sleep that insulates your child from the stress and discomfort associated with dental procedures. Pediatric patients generally cannot tolerate awake esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), so general anesthesia (GA) with a secured airway or deep sedation is routinely required for patient tolerance and successful completion of these procedures. Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) has been used as a remedial airway after failed obstetric intubation 4,5,6. Introduction. general anesthesia, laryngeal mask airway, morbid obesity. Methods patients undergoing elective anorectal surgery were allocated into two anaesthesia modality groups. a) The LMA is a supraglottic airway device that consists of a tube connected to an inflatable cuff; this cuff is inserted into the pharynx to permit ventilation of a patient under general anesthesia. Keywords: Pediatric Anesthesia, Anesthesia Efficacy, LMA Safety, General Anesthesia without Intravenous Cannulation . b) It was invented by British anesthesiologist Archie Brain and introduced to clinical practice in Britain in 1983 and the United States in 1991. LMA: History General Safety and Efficacy of the LMA • 39,824 patients underwent GA; 11,910 (30%) airways were managed with LMA 99.8% successful placement (LMA abandoned in 23 The particular drugs used don't determine whether its a MAC or a GA. Also, being intubated or having an LMA placed doesn't determine whether the case is a MAC or GA. Is the patient able to maintain their protective reflexes? LMA provides a reliable and rapid ventilation for parturients undergoing GA. A MAC can be anything from 2 of Midaz all the way to propofol and ketamine infusions. The three main types of airway management include endotracheal intubation, laryngeal mask airway (LMA), and “open airway.” 1. The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is a device used to secure an airway in an unconscious patient and is widely and routinely used in the operating room for general anesthesia (GA). Introduction . The gastro-oesophageal junction, upper oesophageal sphincter, and protective laryngeal reflexes provide the normal physiological mechanisms to reduce the risk of aspiration, and are all attenuated by drugs used to induce and maintain general anaesthesia. This would result in intubating all patients for general anesthesia and eliminating MAC anesthesia for most of our cases. The airway is of primary concern in anesthesia practice, and techniques of general anesthesia are frequently classified as to the type of airway control that is provided. Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) ... Epidural Anesthesia: Most commonly utilized for labor, cesareans (C-sections) and occasionally surgery on the colon and gastrointestinal tract, this type of anesthesia is similar to a spinal, but usually with placement of an indwelling catheter. GA using LMA (group L) and SA using 7.5 mg of hyperbaric Bupivacaine (group S). Most dental procedures in children are completed local anesthesia; however, very young, fearful or uncooperative children may require sedation. Laryngeal Mask Airway Use in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing General Anesthesia Jill A. Mason-Nguyen, DNAP, MSN, CRNA Ricardo E. Rodriguez, PhD A recent lawsuit involving 2 anesthesiologists and a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist resulted in 2 of the 3 providers being found The aim of this study was to compare the use of general anaesthesia (GA) using a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) with spinal anaesthesia (SA) in anorectal surgeries.