Amen! Thank you for the wonderful sounds of nature and the cool breeze brushing through the trees making the birds sing beautiful melodies. I praise and adore your holy name for who you are and for the things you do. The scripture says no man receives anything unless it is given from above. Prayer for Union with the Holy Spirit In the name of Jesus. Come and purify me, Let no evil desire take possession of me. Amen. A prayer for guidance shows our absolute dependence on God for direction, wisdom, clarity, and inspiration. There are times when we’ll find ourselves in situations and wonder if God is paying attention. You are a loving Father; you know me well. A Prayer For Guidance. Give me peace of mind in the next steps! Morning prayers can refresh and recharge your soul as you get ready to take on the day with help from the best place possible: Our Creator. I go boldly, knowing that you are going with me! Holding them in my heart is one of the most precious things I can never get tired of. Help me walk by Your truth and not my feelings. One of the Bible’s greatest truths is that God wants … When we are thankful, our focus moves off selfish desires and off the pain of current circumstances. Say these short prayers and open your heart to God's goodness & purpose for you. Do you ask God every day for His leadership and power to do your job while depending on Him? Make me bold enough that I may proclaim salvation cheerfully and joyfully. Because you know everything, and I trust you so I can rest in your shadow. Start your day off with this prayer for gratitude: Dear God, I thank you for waking me up today. Lord, I have a hard time deciding what to do. Carry me when I am too weak. It’s important that we are always ready so that we can hear God’s voice when He is calling us. God, order my steps by your Holy Spirit, let my choices be guided by your word, let me not go ahead of you. A Short Prayer for Guidance Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance. As the world is renewed fresh and clean, so I ask You to renew my heart with Your strength and purpose. And He promises to answer you: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am Your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Start your day off with this prayer for opportunity: Dear Lord, I pray today that I will yield my spirit completely to You, that You may use me as You please. Take my hand, precious Lord for I cannot make it by myself. It is our Father’s world, so we should rest in His care. One of the Bible’s greatest truths is that God wants to guide us. Prayer for Guidance and Help. And also teach me and help me to recognize when to stop and follow your instructions. Thank you for hearing my prayer and for staying by my side. While many of us desire to be content, it is not easily attained or kept. Forgive me for my haste, distraction, and inability to hear your inspiration. My heart is troubled but I will strive to keep it set on you, as your infinite wisdom will show me the right way to a just and right resolution. My heart is troubled but I will strive to keep it set on you, as your infinite wisdom will show me the right way to a just and right resolution. Prayer for Trust. Amen. Nothing is hidden from you, and even darkness is as plain as light before you. I admit my weakness. This is the day I begin my life anew; shine through me so that every person I meet may feel Your presence in me. God, since you love me, I can trust that your intentions are beneficial to me. It also helps us to remember that God is ultimately in control. If I may do something wrong today, please forgive me. I pray for clarity in my situation. You know how you created me. Amen. For I know You hear my words and will show understanding to my hopes and needs. In such moments I start to analyze myself.  I am critical, look at myself, and my strengths, and I feel inadequate. You are the only true God, and I put myself in your hands. Everlasting Father, wonderful and counselor, you are the almighty God, the all-knowing and all-seeing God. Your battle may be financial, spiritual, emotional, marital, parental, leadership, etc. But I do know that You are my rock and my fortress. Help us to weave this golden thread of love into the tapestry of our lives. I pray that You be with me as I go through them. Who doesn’t want help, even the wealthiest of all still lack something, and they will always need the help of someone to get that thing done. I look forward to delivering on your promises and words. It often happens that I don’t have the strength and ability to do what I have to do in my life. Dear Lord, meeting with you in morning prayer uplifts me and gets my day off to a good start. Patron saint of lost things, CONFESS OUR SINS TO GOD An important part of the prayer, PRAYER OF ENCOURAGEMENT and Strength for a Friend or Myself, PRAYER FOR SUCCESS in Business, Job, Exams. We may have trouble sensing God’s presence. Prayer for Self Control. Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. Please forgive us for giving too much time and attention to other things, for looking to other people before coming to you first. In all these situations we need a higher authority to lead and guide us the right way. Is something distracting you from fully following the Lord whole heartedly? Your plans are the best for me, and you will be faithful. I use these prayers for protection anytime I feel vulnerable and weak. Help me to reach my goals. I thank you for the provisions that You have given me. Think of prayer as a time to get closer to God by expressing our love for Him, thanking Him for His blessings and offering Him everything good and bad in our day in doing His Will. I am powerless on my own, but I can do everything with you! Thank you for your inspiration and advice. Show me your will in this decision. Before you begin your day and embark on your duties, start your day off with this prayer for your career: Dear God, I thank you for my job. God, you long for unity with me and improve the work you have begun in me. God, you are the love of my soul. Working out these elements will help everyone plan for what is to come and better equip them with the tools to take on the new day. I am in crisis and need a supporting hand to keep me on the right and just path. He loves us and because He loves us, He wants what is best for us and is willing to show it to us. Amen. Pray for the strength that God supplies and keep your eyes open for His answers. Please guide me in your love and lead me in your light that I may not fall into temptation, that darkness may not overtake me. Help the afflicted, strengthen the weak, and support the wavering. Help us to be your hands to clothe, feed and shelter them. Dear God, Source of all wisdom, Help me to use my time And my intelligence wisely, As I prepare for exams. My strength lies in the fact that I understand that I am only a weak, sinful person. I pray that You will provide me opportunities to show people how much You mean to me. It is certainly reasonable and logical. I am forever grateful for the cross; may I proclaim it in a contagious way today. All you need to do is ask for it. Not by power, by military strength, or by political strategies, but by the Spirit of God mountains can be moved. Thank God in advance for help, strength, and guidance. Thankfully, God provides us with the ulitmate protection we could ever need. (Side note: Another positive way to improve your life is to read and learn something new every day. It is a prayer that every believer must consciously pray every day in order to avail oneself of God’s help and direction in these changing times that we live in. One great time to pray is in the morning. Amen. Amen. Lord God, fill my heart with hope for a better life. I pray that You will fill me up that I may be joyful all day, even if stress creeps in. Our Heavenly Father has filled our lives with incredible opportunities. Reciting these words and identifying our schedules early on, will provide a great deal of perspective for you and your family. Lift me … Prayer is one of the intentional ways you can cultivate a grateful heart for yourself. Amen. The morning is one of the best times to talk to God and ask for his guidance. Amen. Father, today I ask forgiveness of all the negative and … Jesus, my Savior, I struggle to find the strength and courage … Never assume that your judgment is right, never try to figure out things on your own, learn to say the prayer for guidance, direction, wisdom, and clarity in all you do and God will keep you on track. The Lord will deliver into your hands divine strategies that will give you victory. Start your day off with the prayer for contentment: Dear God, I pray that I will stay focused on You today. If you will learn to trust God with all your heart, humble yourself and pray for guidance, direction, wisdom, and clarity. For, no sooner than we begin to enjoy the grace of contentment, it is gone and dissatisfaction returns. guidance Lord, please help me. I know that through my contentment, You will be glorified. Sometimes it is so trying to make a decision and to choose the right way. Today we will be dealing with short prayer for help. You think that it is not the advice you need, it doesn’t lead to peace in your mind and heart, you feel undecided and confused, The only thing that you want is some clarity in your thinking, some wisdom on which you could base your decisions, . You are the…, JESUS IS THE DOOR Prayer to Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd, PRAYER FOR EDUCATION SUCCESS Academic Success in Exams, PRAYER TO ST JOSEPH asking for intercession and protection, ST ANTHONY Prayer for lost things. You are my shield and my strong tower. Ask for help from God early in your day and throughout your day to ensure you don’t go astray. A Short Prayer for Guidance. When you wake up with God, His presence is carried with you wherever you go. Lead me by Your grace that I may always be pleasing to you. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance. I am in crisis and need a supporting hand to keep me on the right and just path. Pray the moment you wake up if you aren’t already doing so. I am sure you hear me, and you hear my heart approaching you. God, I pray that you light my candle and enlighten my darkness. prayers for school life . your divine guidance and help. Help me to embrace anything that comes my way as an opportunity to see You at work and as opportunity to point others to You. But all the happiness that I have you, my God. God’s Presence Prayer. The first is a prayer for guidance that God would bring strength to a weary heart. I pray that the seeds You allow me to plant will grow and mature. You have turned your eyes to me. Begin your day with this prayer to recharge: Dear Lord, You have brought me to the beginning of a new day. I am afraid to make the wrong decision, and this torments me greatly. Short prayers which are easily memorable & can strengthen your relationship with God. When you pray and ask for God’s guidance, it is very important to trust Him. Give me discretion to know what to say and how to say it. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of my family. Help us to keep our focus first on you this season. Please also opt me in for Exclusive Offers from Beliefnet’s Partners, From time to time you will also receive Special Offers from our partners. This request for guidance will surely inspire anyone facing a difficult decision. You are kind, you are the only true King. I hope this guide helped you find the right words for your prayers. We should be thankful because God is worthy of our thanksgiving. You lead me as Father leads Son, as a teacher leads students. You know what steps are planned for my future. I pray that You will constantly remind me to be content in all of my circumstances. Victory Prayer. PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE, Direction, Clarity, and Wisdom, So often in our lives happens situations when we. Therefore, I turn to you and ask for your help. Better Life Prayer. When we don’t see our future, we’re scared. We may even feel depressed or alone. I know that you are the Lord and that you show me the best way. (a contemporary prayer for the poor and vulnerable from • click here for a modern prayer for justice, suitable for praying for a nation or needy people group in mind. We don’t miss these opportunities when they come to us. Give him/her a direction to go in and strengthen their resolve in You. God, I need you. … You have given me another sunrise to enjoy. Come to me, Glory of the living, and Hope of the dying. But when I go together with you, Lord, then I am a warrior, a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, and a Saint. Prayer for the Guidance During the Day Oh my God, you know my weakness and failings, and that without your help I can accomplish nothing for the good of souls, my own and others'. Entrust each individual to God. MOTHER’S DAY Quotes and Short Prayer for Happy Mothers Day, PRAYER. I know you will open the doors that need to be opened and you will close the ones that need to be closed. A prayer for guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom is a prayer we say when in need of counsel or light in times of confusion and trouble. Lord, please guide me. We can’t afford to make mistakes that can cancel or dent our destinies hence; we daily desire prayers that the Father of light, the all-knowing God will give our heart counsel and guidance. Your ways are perfect. prayers asking for direction . God, I approach unto your presence today in the multitude of your mercy; I know that you know my ways and I do not want to be wise in my own eyes. Beginning each morning with gratitude will provide you with a great foundation. Think of morning prayer as exercise for each member’s spirit and soul. Have you submitted your career to God, including how you do your job? What Does the Book of Job Say About Suffering? You are the one who gives strength to me, and all my doubts run away. Contentment is a simple grace. Allow God to define your priorities as defined by Christ and the apostles, including the workplace. May you be blessed on your journey today. I humbly ask for your guidance and direction today as I go through life. Lord, hear our prayer. Help us to reflect again, on what Christmas is really all about. Sign up for Beliefnet's Prayer of the Day newsletter. Amen. We need to walk. Prayer for Guidance and Strength In the Lord’s Name, I pray for this brother/sister and ask that You, God, guide them in the way they should go. Lord, I know that if you have brought me to any place or situation, it was your guidance. Morning Prayer for Guidance. The prayer for guidance, direction, clarity, and wisdom is a vital prayer that one needs to pray daily. Asking for daily advice can center you and allow you to focus on the things you should be focusing on. with a good prayer for guidance from God and a famous Catholic prayer by St Thomas Aquinas. Lord, I will Follow. These points are when we really need God’s help and guidance. Prayer For The Spirit's Help And Guidance . … I want to honor You, Father, in all that I do. It is important to be sure that you make decisions according to God’s will. I pray for safe travels to and from work and I pray that You will use me as You see fit today for Your glory. We daily make decisions, sometimes stand at crossroads, and need direction. A short prayer for guidance (a prayer of King David when seeking God) "Hear my cry, God Listen to my prayer. And also teach me and help me to recognize when to stop and follow your instructions. You have provided me with steady income and I’m so thankful. Amen. featuring a prayer asking for business growth, development and provision from God. Thank you for that. God is our Shepard, who guides us all in our life journey. Amen. But you can be assured that He is working to strengthen your understanding, faith and hope in Him. Teach me how to stand strong in You and choose only Your way today. Reflect on the things you need to be thankful for, and then ask for guidance so that you can face the day with courage and devotion. Forgive me the errors of yesterday and bless me to walk closer in Your way today. Start your day off with this prayer for family: Dear God, thank you for the gift of family and friends. Grant me, therefore, the help of your grace, according to my particular needs this day. Forgive me for getting ahead of Your plans, and help me know when to stop and listen for Your direction. I doubt, then try to question my purpose, question my value, question my desires. Lord, thank you for your plans for me and thank you for walking with me and illuminating my path when I took it and didn’t know where to go next. As your day progresses, it can be difficult to identify these blessings. Amen. Then come the desire and energy to pursue goals and realize your will, God. There should be great comfort knowing that wherever you go, God is right there with you and we can access God through prayer. Here are eight short prayers for daily guidance. Pray to Him for guidance today, and He will surely lead you into victory. Thank you … First, we give you a list of short morning prayers that can lighten up your day. A Short Prayer for Guidance Heavenly Father, thank you for your advice and your guidance. You are worthy of all my … The next time you need God’s protection or guidance, try using one of my short prayers. You love the humble and resist the proud. But God knows our future and chooses the very best path for us. The word direct means guide. Prayer for My Family Struggle. God loves when you pray for strength. Amen. And that power does not come from me, but you. Begin each day with a powerful morning prayer session with your family. You believed me and were happy with me. You feel that you can’t rely only on your experience or on the advice of other people. It is only right to credit Him for “every good and perfect gift” He gives (James 1:17). Forgive me for my haste, distraction, and inability to hear your inspiration.