The European Union and the United Kingdom came to a last-minute trade deal on Christmas Eve, narrowly averting the hardest of all potential Brexits. A big gap in the agreed future framework between the EU and the UK is foreign policy and external security, as Lord Frost’s Task Force Europe made clear from the beginning that the UK was not interested in setting up a joint framework with the EU. I think UK membership of the EU has been positive for both parties. We provide an authoritative, non-partisan and impartial reference point for those looking for information, insights and analysis on UK-EU relations. So what does China itself really think of the UK? One caveat: I have only been to London and Scotland - Edinburgh, Inverness and some points in between. Generally, there is an overwhelming sentiment across Europe that Brexit would be a bad thing for the European institution. In France, which began a second national lockdown on October 30, some politicians and doctors have called for stricter measures. Poland, the largest of the ‘euro-outs’, is enmeshed in its own disagreements with most other member-states over the rule of law; it is poorly placed to be the spokesman for the non-euro countries. The site is run by NatCen Social Research.. See About the site for details. Britain is seen, literally, as the sick man of Europe. The UK is so far refusing to ban public gatherings and close schools, like some of its European neighbors have done. I wrote a hugely popular post on what Europeans think of each other, and we all know what Europeans think of Americans (that we’re fat and stupid – well, it’s a bit more complicated than that; I’ll delve into that in another post).In this post, I’ll write my experiences with my fellow Americans think about Europeans. Well, they are passionate, pasta munching gods. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has more ground to make up than most in the international race to be Biden’s No. What does the US election mean for Europe? What does Brexit mean for the EU/Eurozone? When it comes to Trump, Europe is apoplectic. LONDON — If Joe Biden wins on Tuesday, corks will pop in many European capitals. The Irish — A very small country, despite its exaggerated importance in Americans’ minds (just over 4.6 million in the Republic of Ireland) but considered polite and humble. ... Raymond Blanc recalls his first trip which made him fall in love and move to the UK. What does the British public think about Europe? I think it’s sad that a large, important country like England has found itself on the margin, and hasn’t realised all the good resolutions Europe could offer. What the French really think of British, ... has been relaunched ahead of the Euro 2016 football tournament. But major uncertainty remains. There is little sign that voters’ expectations of what will happen to immigration have markedly changed. Failing that, Brussels would like the UK to remain as close as possible. In London, it will be time to go to work. And yet they never seem to want to move home. The UK in a Changing Europe – – promotes independent, rigorous, high-quality academic research into the complex and ever changing relationship between the UK and the European Union. Plus Edward Said’s confusion, how to fix government sleaze and we ask whether meritocracy has had its day. In this case, YouGov polling finds the majority would want to remain in the EU. Few, though, think he will make a poor or terrible president (6-13%). There’s no denying that there’s always been stereotypes associated with most European countries, but what do we actually think of each other? Europe Would Margaret ... Thatcher's main concern was to secure as many advantages and exploit as many loopholes as possible for the UK. So I ask here in the France forum (because there is no Europe forum and France is our first destination), what do Europeans think of Australians? A minority of 7-18% expect Biden to have a negative impact. As an American I have enjoyed my trips to England. Britain's approach to the coronavirus outbreak has divided opinion. Somehow, they all need to agree on what they want from Brexit. Why we need to reform the Crown, the rich history of Chinese people in the UK, why governments can’t just keep borrowing and a profile of Cressida Dick. We've heard how Europe might even do a whole lot better without troublemakers preventing the EU from taking its place at the high-table as a new pole in a multi-polar world. The British drink tea and eat scones. The French wear stripes, onions and berets and the Italians? The EU's preferred option is for Britain to stay. EU news: What the EU 27 REALLY think about Boris Johnson and the Brexit backstop BORIS JOHNSON says he is committed to “getting rid” of the Brexit backstop in … The UK government has estimated that 50% to 85% of lorry drivers would not have the necessary documentation to enter the EU via France, says The Washington Post. The election comes amid critical challenges that the US and Europe must work closely on, including NATO’s role, Brexit and Russian influence. BRITAIN’S successful vaccine rollout is the envy of Europe, Germany’s biggest newspaper has admitted. If you believe some of the noises from Beijing, Britain is regarded with a condescending sneer by the Chinese. I'm sometimes asked by Americans what Brits make of Trump and the best analogy I can come up with is this. In four out of the nine countries surveyed, over 70% of people agreed that Brexit would hurt the EU. ... says Euro News. I know it's an odd question, but I hope someone can answer it. France is the only country where more than a quarter (32%) of the public say it would be good for the EU if the UK departed. The UK fought successfully for mechanisms to ensure transparency of decision-making and give non-euro countries a voice; post-Brexit, those countries may find it harder to protect their interests. The project has been funded as part of the UK in a Changing Europe programme.. Have we behaved too badly and soiled our reputations? Does China dislike us? Ask a UK citizen what they think and, not surprisingly, you’re likely to receive different answers. How much does it vary from country to country? News Brexit: What Europe wants. Table 1 shows that on the four occasions a survey instigated by this author using NatCen’s mixed mode random probability panel has addressed the issue, around two in five have consistently said they expect immigration to be lower as a result of leaving the EU. Instead, the UK would look to cooperate bilaterally with some member states. Fascinated, but appalled. It is this European corporate (and consensus-oriented) spirit that somehow forbids European governments to think about the unthinkable. There are 27 member states left in the European Union. Europe is full of English expats, and the longer they live abroad, the more they seem to hate their host country. We've heard all the threats about punishing Britain's economy, how we'll become an anchorless rust-bucket floating off into the mid-Atlantic with no friends and no influence. Non-partisan information on attitudes to the EU and on the UK’s decision to leave. What does Europe think of Boris Johnson’s plan to break international ... the UK government is worried about coming under fire for its handling of … European Stereotypes: What Do We Really Think of Each Other? A poll conducted last year found that over half (56%) of Britons think the UK should receive favourable exit terms, more than twice as many as in Germany, Belgium and France. The other distinction is how people would vote if the UK's position within the EU was renegotiated. Every other European country surveyed believes the UK’s coronavirus response to have been worse than their own – and by wide margins. That being said, 29-49% think Biden will have a positive impact on their own country, and 36-58% think he will have a positive impact on the world – although again large numbers of people say they “don’t know”. Countries around Europe are now once again under various forms of lockdown in order to stem the spread of Covid-19. No European government has ever publicly announced that it would favour a Brexit scenario.