Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. Dengan mengklik "Saya mengerti! Dalam program 3 bulan ini, Kamu akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk terlibat dalam program-program Greenpeace Indonesia bersama dukungan mentor dan jaringan yang luas. A criminal investigation against numerous companies, including this one, was stopped by police in 2016 due to insufficient evidence. 5,003 talking about this. President Jokowi and his ministers must immediately remove licenses from companies with fires on their land,” said Kiki Taufik, Global Head of Greenpeace Indonesia’s forests campaign. The youth-desk of Greenpeace Indonesia. It needs action! Kami menggunakan cookie untuk meningkatkan pengalaman Anda. International4 (Greenpeace) held that the company‟s chocolate confectionery brand Kit Kat contained palm oil, whose production was leading to the destruction of rainforests.5 Palm oil has a range of uses and is principally grown in Indonesia where it makes a substantial contribution to the Find the perfect Greenpeace Indonesia stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Januari 2021. [2] Greenpeace Indonesia mapping analysis of official burn scar data from Indonesian Ministry of Forestry and Environment. Greenpeace Indonesia activist Yuyun Indradi welcomes APP's new policy. Posisi tersebut akan fokus pada pengembangan dan implementasi kerja kampanye hutan Greenpeace di Indonesia. An APRIL/Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) –related company has seen its concession land burn every year since 2015. Usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) kerap disebut sebagai tulang punggung perekonomian, karena sumbangsihnya yang sangat besar bagi produk domestik bruto (PDB). [4] ‘Law enforcement must be strictly carried out, whether administrative, civil or criminal… This must be done in order to create a legal certainty and in order to fulfill a sense of justice for communities.’ President Joko Widodo, 12 August 2016. Select from premium Greenpeace Indonesia of the highest quality. As fallout from its campaign against Asia Pulp & Paper grows, Greenpeace’s critics have opened a … . Courtesy of Greenpeace. Greenpeace has accused Nestlé of using palm oil from Indonesia's largest palm oil producer, Sinar Mas, which it says is clearing orangutan habitats and … Burn scar figures have been rounded up or down to account for this issue. It needs solutions. Berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia, Greenpeace Indonesia sudah terdaftar resmi di Departemen Kehakiman dan HAM sebagai perkumpulan Greenpeace dengan enam pendiri berdasarkan akta pendiriannya. 75 were here. Butuh solusi. Isu plastik kemasan masih terus jadi momok menakutkan. (Foto: Screenshot/YouTube Greenpeace Indonesia) Dia menegaskan untuk mencegah praktek perbudakan di atas kapal penangkap ikan asing itu, Indonesia perlu segera meratifikasi konvensi ILO 188. See p.4, [5]  The ten palm oil companies are listed in the second table of the Greenpeace Indonesia, Indonesia land-burning fines unpaid years after fires, 11 perusahaan perusak lingkungan rugikan negara Rp18 triliun, ‘The cost of fire : an economic analysis of Indonesia’s 2015 fire crisis’, ‘Public health impacts of the severe haze in Equatorial Asia in September–October 2015’, ‘Fire carbon emissions over maritime southeast Asia in 2015 largest since 1997’. This is a first for the company whose environmental commitments have been primarily limited until now to promoting itself as an environmental friendly corporation.. Why this is an important step. It had more than 200 fire hot spots this year. The haze from the forest and land fires have also reached neighbouring countries in the last two weeks. Program Magang Greenpeace Indonesia. 26 Januari 2021, Jakarta. Tahun 2018, misalnya, kontribusi terhadap PDB mencapai 58%. But our findings show the reality: empty words and weak and inconsistent law enforcement against companies. A Sinar Mas/APP–related company had fires on its land every year between 2015 and 2018 but received no serious civil or administrative sanctions. Juru Kampanye Hutan bertanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan dan menyampaikan tujuan kampanye Hutan Greenpeace Asia Tenggara serta untuk memajukan tujuan Kampanye. 5,587 talking about this. 1,684 talking about this. [2] This data was then compared to the best available concession data[3] on palm oil and pulp companies as well as administrative and civil law sanctions against companies, which were compiled through Freedom of Information requests and official government reports. But he says that if APP goes back on its pledge, Greenpeace will restart its … Furthermore, the Indonesian government has not revoked a single palm oil licence due to forest fires. Currently, Greenpeace has more than a 140 staff across the region, excluding the direct dialogue fundraisers. The government did not revoke any palm oil companies’ licences for forest fires. The following GDPR rules must be read and accepted: This form collects your comment, name and email - but only your comment and name as you have entered it here will appear publicly. See p.4 here. “Stopping this recurring fire crisis should have been at the top of the government’s agenda since 2015. Greenpeace Indonesia12 April 2021. [1] This year, fire hot spots have been recorded in many of these same palm oil and pulp concessions. [6], The World Bank estimates that the 2015 fire crisis cost Indonesia USD 16 billion, resulting in losses in forestry, agriculture, tourism and other industries. Unfortunately, it is because this government is not serious about law enforcement, and this is a key reason why the fires have returned,” said Kiki Taufik. This concession, which had the largest total burned area out of all concessions across Indonesia, was only sanctioned for replanting in previously burned areas. Why has the concession that had the largest burned area across the whole of Indonesia not been sanctioned for forest fires? Berjuang untuk masa depan Bumi yang hijau dan damai dengan berkampanye … Ayo,…, Kebakaran hutan tidak hanya mengancam kehidupan manusia, tapi juga mengancam satwa liar asli Indonesia yang terancam punah. Butuh aksi. Dorong pemerintah dan korporasi untuk menekan penggunaan plastik sekali-pakai dan berhenti mencemari lingkungan. KLIK The findings from the analysis contrast sharply with the Indonesian government’s claims of being tough on fires and law enforcement[4] at a time when fires are impacting millions of Indonesians. Seven of those companies had high numbers of fire hot spots in their concessions this year.[5]. Laporan terbaru Greenpeace Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Tropical Renewable Energy Center (TREC) Universitas Indonesia mengenai Jakarta Solar City memperlihatkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan bagi Jakarta sebagai ibukota untuk menjadi sebuah…. Posts IGTV Tagged. [3] While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the concession data is accurate, there are many different concession data sources and a lack of government and company transparency means that there may be some inaccuracies. [4] ‘Law enforcement must be strictly carried out, whether administrative, civil or criminal… This must be done in order to create a legal certainty and in order to fulfill a sense of justice for communities.’ President Joko Widodo, 12 August 2016. Greenpeace alleges that Nestlé had a video pulled from YouTube. Findings for palm oil plantations from 2015 to 2018: “Why is it that none of the ten palm oil companies with the most land burned across Indonesia has faced serious punishment from President Jokowi’s government? Upaya diplomasi juga harus dilakukan agar negara-negara pengguna tenaga kerja Indonesia, seperti China dan Taiwan, melakukan upaya serupa. [8] Along with the haze 11.3 million tonnes of carbon per day were estimated to have been released into the atmosphere, higher than the emissions rate of the whole European Union.[9]. Laut yang terlindungi dari ancaman kerusakan dan perbudakan adalah sumber kehidupan bagi kita, nelayan, serta hewan dan tanaman laut. Berjuang untuk masa depan Bumi yang hijau dan damai dengan berkampanye … Greenpeace memiliki landasan prinsip dan nilai-nilai dasar … Berjuang untuk masa depan Bumi yang hijau dan damai dengan berkampanye … Greenpeace hadir di Indonesia pada 2005. Numerous palm oil concessions burned repeatedly but received no serious civil or administrative sanctions. It has received serious civil/administrative sanctions just twice. Berdasarkan laporan Greenpeace Indonesia (2021), plastik kemasan menjadi kategori sampah plastik yang paling banyak dihasilkan (digunakan oleh seluruh masyarakat yang menjadi subjek….